a hamster plush i bought at a vintage stationery store. when i was a kid i had a white and orangish hamster that i adored to pieces. he reminds me of that hamster. like my other plush jambies, i take him to most places, out to movie theaters, restuarants, etc. there is a twitter user who once said that taking a stuffed animal with you everwhere can be so good for you and that in reality no one will really care if they see you walking around with one and thats so true, i used to be so worried about dirtying my stuffed animals or even losing them but they deserve to have fun too dont they? also i know hes missing a chunk of himself in the 3d scan but lets pretend i took a big bite out of him like an apple ok lol

leaning tower of pi-chans
sanrio released a collection of plushies last year that are comprised of the companions of popular sanrio characters. these chicks pictured above are pochacco's friends the pi-chans :3, according to the hello kitty wiki, they are girls, called piyo, pico, and peebu (although 2 are only seen here together) and that they share the same birthday as pochacco :3 i thought it was so cool how they're stacked on top of each other by using magnets, it really brings them to life and makes them so much more cute

hamtaro, bijou plush
undoubtedly, my favorite hamtaro characters are penelope and pashmina, i just loved their relationship so much! but when i saw this bijou plush i thought the knitted material was so cute. on the ebay description it said there is no tush tag so that its custom made. it might just be a knock off but i'd like to think that someone loved the character so much they hand made one for themselves :0) either way i will cherish it forever...

club penguin pj penguin plush a.k.a "peebo"
i played club penguin religiously as a kid, i remember begging my mom to buy me those monthly membership cards from target all the time. so many memories of talking to other random kids, playing the mini games (my favorite has always been the pizza one), decorating my igloo. simpler times i wish i could go back to...

max rebo plush a.k.a "jambies"
max rebo plush from 1997, i love all my plushies equally but if someone had a gun to my head and told me i have to say who my favorite is i would choose him!!!! he looks nothing like max rebo in the movies instead who ever designed him has managed to encapuslate all his cuteness into one small plump plushie. anytime i travel he comes with me and reminds me of home :0)

Polywhirl Plush
from 1998!!! he's 24 yrs old!! one year younger than me! i bought him cause he's very small, fits in the palm of my hand. I used to play pokemon religiously as a kid on my gameboy and for some reason i'd always pick water type pokemon! also he's just very cute...my favorite thing about him is the pale blue color he is now from all his years of fading in the sun :3

Pinky Monkey Plushies :3
Pinky Monkey Plushies i've been wanting and saw that VisitNymph was going to be listing them on their depop and i couldn't resist :3 a game was released in 2001 titled "Pinky Monkey Town" for the gameboy advance comprised of various minigames mostly based around candied mints as they are also the mascots to Pinky candy mints. Pinky is a brand of candied mints sold in Japan by what was formerly Frente International (now Koikeya) and the Pinky Monkeys are their mascot. when i first saw the pinky monkeys i had no idea they were mascots to a mint company, i just thought they were so cute and unique! love doing research on plushies because they sometimes have the most interesting origins lol

Dogbert :3
dogbert from the dilbert comics i used to look at in newspapers when i was a kid. had no idea was the comics said, i know they were about office life? maybe, lol not sure i'm still not sure but i always thought the dog was sooo cute, when i saw there was a plush of him i had to get it! doing some research i stumbled upon its cat companion character named catbert, that ones next to get on my list.